The Rev. William J. Adams
I was in active parish ministry as an ordained Episcopal Priest for over thirty years. Twenty-two of those years I was Rector of Trinity Church in Sutter Creek, California. I’ve always had a passion for teaching New Testament Theology. I was a Philosophy major in my undergraduate studies, and in seminary, at The Church Divinity School of the Pacific, I concentrated my theological studies in the area of Process Theology which had a big influence on my interpretation of the Gospels, and that just might be noticeable in my blog postings here in Sunday GospelTalk.
You can let everyone know what you agree or disagree with in the Comments section, in fact I am hoping for a lively discussion in the Comment section. If you disagree with me or any of the other participants, the only rule here is that you do so respectfully.
In the late 1990’s, the idea came to me that if I started an email discussion group online, I could share my thoughts worldwide. I called this discussion group GospelTalk. The computer server was a Packard Bell computer on the floor in my guestroom at home. It would dial up, and exchange email discussion every hour. There were over 300 subscribers before it took too much of my time and was disbanded.

Now that I am retired, I have the time to begin again, not as an email discussion group, but as a blog with an opportunity for the reader to comment. I plan to post my reflections on the reading by Wednesday evening of each week to give time for those who want to use this forum for their sermon preparation.
You can SUBSCRIBE to Sunday GospelTalk by sending an email to: subscribe@sundaygospeltalk.com
Just indicate in the email that you would like to subscribe and then send it off. You will added to the Alert List. As soon as the post is published, you will get an email alert letting you know it’s been posted along with a link to go directly to the posting page at Sunday GospelTalk. You can also correspond with me directly at this same Email address. I will address your concerns within 24 hours.
Welcome, and let’s begin.